Do It Yourself - The workshop
Published :
04/10/2018 12:21:04
Categories :
The workshops
What is it about? A workshop full of friendliness, accessible to everybody, where you will learn all about essential oils and organic, clean, cruelty-free cosmetics. Come on your own or accompanied by one or two people. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our Atelier Charlot located at the heart of Le Marais.
Through this workshop, you will discover a selection of essential oils and their benefits, as well as precious beauty tips for the season. In our laboratory, you will also be able to personalize your own HUYGENS product* with the essential oil blend of your choice!
The workshop "DIY - Organic Bespoke Cosmetics" lasts about one our and a half and is completed by a snack. NB: Reserve your workshop now, or choose the "Gift Card" option to schedule a date later on.
The program:
- Healthy Snack
- Discovery of a selection of essential oils and their benefits
- Seasonal beauty tips
- Personalization of your product in our laboratory
And many more surprises…
- Workshop: 50€
- Workshop for two: 90€
- Workshop for three: 120€
Click here in order to reserve your workshop on a mobile device !
The Huygens Team.
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02/05/2019 21:23:17
Un beau moment de partage dans la merveilleuse boutique d'Huygens rue Charlot. L'atelier était très instructif et les animatrices adorables, nous avons beaucoup appris mais aussi passé un délicieux moment ! Je recommande fortement cet atelier de grande qualité pour ceux et celles qui s'intéressent à la composition des cosmétiques, à l'importance de choisir des produits naturels mais aussi aux propriétés des diverses huiles essentielles ou encore aux astuces beauté réalisables en un tour de main ! Bref, atelier génial à offrir ou à s'offrir !