Learn all about our new SPF with Daan

Learn all about our new SPF with Daan

Published : 09/02/2024 15:35:30
Categories : , New Arrivals

When should it be applied?

I recommend applying the product in the morning, after your skincare routine and before make-up. This ensures better absorption and effective protection throughout the day.

What tests have been carried out to guarantee the effectiveness of this SPF product?

Suncare products for the face are akin to medical products, requiring rigorous testing to guarantee their effectiveness. The main tests include :

In vitro tests: Carried out in the laboratory to check that sunscreens effectively block UV rays.

In vivo tests: Carried out on volunteers to confirm protection in real-life conditions.

Additional tests are carried out in specialist laboratories before the product is placed on the market, including skin tests to ensure its safety and efficacy.

How does this product differ from other mineral sunscreens on the market?

Our product incorporates the new Xperse 501 filter, offering high protection (SPF 30) with total transparency, even on moisturised skin. Unlike titanium dioxide-based mineral sunscreens, our filter is made entirely of zinc oxide, a natural mineral that is gentle on the skin and easy to rinse off. While zinc oxide-based filters often leave a white residue, Xperse 501 guarantees perfect transparency while providing optimum protection.

How did you come up with the composition?

Formulating a suncare product is highly technical, but our priority was to achieve transparency, protection, lightness and ease of application without leaving traces on the skin. We worked for years to find the ideal composition. The launch of the new Xperse 501 filter has finally enabled us to finalise development and offer a product that is both effective and pleasant to use.

Does it work all day? Does it need to be reapplied?

The mineral filter offers good protection, but if you are planning prolonged exposure to UV rays, it is best to reapply the sun cream for optimum protection.

Who is this product for?

This product is ideal for anyone looking to protect their skin from UVA and UVB rays, which accelerate skin ageing. It is ideal for preventing and reducing spots and wrinkles, especially when first exposed to the sun. Personally, having suffered from sun spots due to unprotected exposure to the sun in the past, I highly recommend it to those who want to avoid these problems.

Is this product water-resistant and, if so, for how long?

This product has not been tested for water resistance, as it is designed for everyday use in the city. For prolonged exposure to the sun at the beach or swimming pool, we recommend a complementary sun cream. However, the mineral filters used generally offer good resistance.

Is the composition environmentally friendly?

Absolutely. The product is certified natural and organic, with a high percentage of ingredients of organic and natural origin. The packaging and manufacturing process comply with the organic cosmetics charter. What's more, the mineral filter, which is of natural origin, is much more environmentally friendly than a synthetic filter. The manufacturing processes are non-invasive and gentle.

Is this product suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin?

This product is suitable for all skin types, including dark, white, black, acne-prone and sensitive skin. It is effective for everyone, young and old alike. Its texture, although slightly oily, is not greasy, offering comfort and nutrition. It can be used with a light or rich moisturiser, as required.

Is the product hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic?

Although specific non-comedogenic tests have not been carried out, the product is dermatologically tested. The mineral filters, which are more effective in an oily base, are combined with healthy, natural and organic oils to avoid clogging pores. The formulation is light on the skin, so as not to leave it feeling heavy and to allow the skin to breathe, thanks to the use of a rather dry oil.

Why is it important to use sun protection all year round, not just in summer?

UVA and UVB rays are present all year round, although they are less intense in winter. It is essential to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun by using sun protection 365 days a year, hence the name "365". This ensures maximum protection for your skin, whatever the time of year.

Why choose SPF 30 instead of 50?

We have chosen SPF 30 to offer high protection while ensuring a pleasant application and an invisible finish. On a certified organic and natural formula, achieving total transparency with an SPF 50 is virtually impossible. SPF 30 blocks 96.67% of UV rays, whereas SPF 50 blocks 98%. The difference in protection is therefore minimal, but SPF 30 makes it easier to use and offers a transparency that is suitable for all skin tones.

Can this product help to erase or reduce existing spots?

It cannot erase existing spots, but it helps to reduce their appearance and prevent them from becoming visible in the sun. Spots, whether due to acne or other causes, are often less noticeable in winter and more visible in summer. So it's essential to protect your skin all year round. What's more, thanks to the karanja oil in the formula, the skin is nourished, promoting faster regeneration.

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