WITCH HAZEL WATER - Hamamelis virginiana water
Published :
04/13/2018 13:21:13
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Hamamelis virginiana water
The properties
Hamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana watere
Originally from North America, the witch hazel plant has been used for several centuries by doctors and shamans for its antihemorrhagic and anti-inflammatory properties. In phytotherapy, aromatherapy, and the scientific sphere, the multiple benefits of witch hazel have been valued and recognized for a very long time.
The tannins and vitamin P contained in this plant lends its properties of venous tonic and protection of blood vessels. Since the vitamin P is not synthetized by our organism, it must originate from our diet in order to be present in our body. However, witch hazel can also be used directly onto the skin in order to make it penetrate directly into the cells of the epidermis and for it to have a local and direct effect on the skin.
In reality, the vitamin P is a bio flavonoid. These flavonoids are naturally present in fruits and vegetables (they are, amongst other things, responsible for their colors). Flavonoids can be found in the flora under many different forms depending on their molecular structure and role. Besides benefiting the blood circulation, flavonoids have other properties such as the reinforcing of capillary strength, a primary antioxidant activity (by protecting the hydrogen molecule from free radicals), the inhibition of specific enzymes (which influences the cellular metabolism) and the interaction with the factors of gene transcription (which overall influences the body's metabolism).
Besides having an astringent action on the blood vessels, vitamin P also has a similar effect on the epidermis and therefore makes witch hazel a great skin tonic.
Hamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana waterHamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana water
How to use it
Hamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana waterHamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana water
As most hydrosols, witch hazel water can be used in its pure states directly onto the skin and hair.
Used on the face, witch hazel water acts as a toner and helps tighten the pores. When used as a toner, witch hazel water can either be sprayed directly onto the skin or applied with a cotton pad. This also helps to get rid of all traces of makeup remover, cleanser or particles left on the face after the cleansing process.
Due to its tonifying and soothing properties, witch hazel water is also a precious ally against rosacea and razor burns. This makes witch hazel a valued ingredient in face lotions - such as the Patyka Witch Hazel Water Toning Lotion.
The anti-inflammatory and purifying properties of witch hazel water also help to efficiently fight against acne, especially if the hydrosol is blended with Tea Tree essential oil, such as in the Infusion Blanche Face Wash by Huygens.
When applied twice daily (in the morning and in the evening), the tonifying effect of witch hazel water on the blood vessels can also help to relieve "heavy legs".
As for the hair, witch hazel water is a very light and efficient hydration spender. Combined with a small amount of Aloe Vera gel, it brings vitality to the hair and eases the detangling process. Used in its pure state on the roots and the scalp, witch hazel water helps fight dandruff, and sooth irritations. This explains why it can be found in hair care products such as the Huygens shampoos.
Hamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana waterHamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana water
From the plant to a hydrosol
Hamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana water
Witch hazel is a medium sized shrub (between 3 and 6 meters), easily recognizable by its color and the shape of its flowers. The plant initially grew in dry regions of America but has now adapted to European climates, after being imported for the first time a few centuries ago.
The leaves used to create the hydrosol of witch hazel are harvested during the summer time. This noble hydrosol is rich in active molecules and the only product made out of the distillation of the plant. The leaves and young branches are harvested during the summer and later stored in order to dry. Once dried, this plant material is placed in a still in order to be distilled through steam. After a few hours of distillation, the hydrosol of witch hazel can finally be collected and stored away.
This noble flower water can not be kept very long without adding a preservative system. This is why it is important to store witch hazel water away from heat and light (inside a fridge for example) in order to be able to use it in its purest state.
Hamamelis virginiana waterHamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana waterHamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana water
Did you know?
Hamamelis virginiana water
Hamamelis virginiana water
The reason why the plant is commonly called "Witch hazel" is due to its strong resemblance with the hazel, and the fact that its branches are often used as divining rods..
The Huygens Team.
04/18/2018 11:28:17
Merci pour ce super article ! Très intéressant :)